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It’s easy to claim any particular natural treatment has been “debunked.” Why? Because they can’t be patented and there’s no money to be made from them. Who’s going to spend millions scientifically testing something if there’s no financial gain? Nobody.
Most “debunked” claims, if you read the article, say “there is no scientific evidence proving that this therapy is effective in treating cancer.” Well duh! But there is an abundance of anecdotal and other evidence showing that they ARE effective. And there’s no proof that they aren’t.
The following is an excerpt from my book "Death Can Wait - How I Beat Stage IV Cancer Naturally"
Next, my research guided me to the Hoxsey Bio Medical Center. (1) The Center was initially brought to my attention by Ty and Charlene Bollinger, renowned for their work on "The Truth About Cancer." Even before my diagnosis, one of their video series grabbed my attention, offering insight into alternative healing possibilities for cancer.
In Bollinger's The Truth About Cancer (2) video series "A Global Quest," Ty recounted the story of how his father, Graham Bollinger, had been diagnosed with stomach cancer in 1996, and they tried to get him to the Center in Mexico. Still, his father had unfortunately died before they could get him there. Ty recounted how he was excited to take the video production team to the Center to learn more about the treatment. He interviewed the owner of the Center at the time, Liz Jonas, the sister of Mildred Nelson, who was Harry Hoxsey's (more about him in a minute) chief nurse. Mildred originally intended to 'expose' Harry Hoxsey and his cancer center in Texas as a fraud. Instead, Mildred's mother, who had cancer, was treated with the formula and lived to be 99. Mildred had a change of heart and became Harry's head nurse. Harry passed the Hoxsey formula on to Mildred, who passed it on to her sister Liz, who became the new owner of the Center.
When my diagnosis came, I remembered this story. This recollection led me to the re-discovery of the Hoxsey Bio Medical Center. At the time, their website needed updating, but today, it is updated and refined and offers an excellent summary of their services, what to expect, and even travel and hotel recommendations.
I delved into their history, which started nearly a century ago. According to the book "You Don't Have to Die" (now out of print) by Harry Hoxsey, Harry's father, John Hoxsey, a horse breeder by trade, stumbled upon a revelation that would lead him to the creation of the Hoxsey formula. He observed that horses on the brink of succumbing to cancer tumors regained their health after consuming specific herbs found nearby. These herbs somehow helped the horses regain their health, and through experimentation, he distilled them into the first iteration of the Hoxsey formula.
The formula's potency was undeniable. Horses that were once doomed to die now stood as evidence of its effectiveness. News of this amazing formula spread among the horsing community, and soon, horse owners from far and wide sought out John and his remedy. Such was the impact that influential figures encouraged the adaptation of this formula for humans.
The success of the Hoxsey Formula became widely known even among humans, leading to more and more accounts of healing. Celebrities and politicians, among others, sought help from the Hoxsey Bio Medical Center that offered the formula. By 1962, seventeen clinics in the United States, one in each major city, were treating 12,000 cancer cases.
In 1964, a landmark lawsuit between Dr. Fishbine of the American Medical Association and Dr. Harry Hoxsey culminated in Hoxsey's win, as he was able to prove the effectiveness of his herbal formulas in treating many cancers. However, the FDA padlocked all seventeen clinics in operation immediately after, citing the use of unapproved medicines. The clinic then moved to Tijuana, Mexico, where it still operates today.
Despite the controversy, the Center still stands as an alternative cancer treatment center for those seeking a different path, with a holistic approach and the guidance of licensed physicians.
For more on the history of the Hoxsey formula and clinic, see the book “Hoxsey Therapy: When Natural Cures for Cancer Became Illegal; the Autobiography of Harry Hoxsey, ND” and “When Healing Becomes a Crime: The Amazing Story of the Hoxsey Cancer Clinics and the Return of Alternative Therapies.”
I reached out to the Center, and here is what I experienced: The process was pretty easy. I scheduled an appointment and made travel arrangements. Their website recommends where to stay overnight, etc., if that is what you decide to do. I live a two-hour drive from San Diego, so I drove there and stayed two nights. The appointment takes almost the whole day, so I opted to stay an extra night so I didn't feel rushed or stressed about getting home. I stayed overnight at the Comfort Inn near the border to Tijuana. They have a special rate for those with appointments at the Center. Early the morning of my appointment, a medical van (free with the Comfort Inn reservation) transported me and several others through a special medical entrance to Mexico, skipping the long lines of people crossing the border.
The staff and doctors welcomed me warmly and respectfully when I arrived at the Center. The backdrop was an upscale suburb of Tijuana, more evidence of the Center's commitment to providing dignified care. The day unfolded, beginning with scans and blood work (although these are unnecessary if you provide your recent results from your doctors), consultations with the doctor, and a meeting with a nutritionist. Cancer can create a lot of fear and anxiety, so the Center also has counseling services available if you want to take advantage of this.
They instructed me to fast, so I was hungry by mid-morning, and I took advantage of their lovely little café and had breakfast while they worked on getting test results. Amidst the camaraderie of fellow patients, we shared stories of hope and healing.
After my final consult with the doctor and prescriptions in hand, I met with "Olga," picked up my Hoxsey formula, and paid my balance with a credit card. The balance of my herbal medications would be shipped from the States to my home in a few days. Prescriptions are tailored to each patient's particular situation. For example, they prescribed me an herbal formula for 'Melanoma,' in addition to the Hoxsey formula.
The pandemic prompted the Center to adapt, and I was able to have my 6-month checkup with the physician remotely. If you are a new patient, I'm pretty sure they will want to see you, at least initially, in person. There may be exceptions; you should check with them on that. But as long as I remain cancer-free, I think they will offer remote sessions. I have one more session to go in a few months, and I believe we will go once a year or perhaps not meet at all unless I show signs of cancer again. If that happened, I would call them in a heartbeat.
Expected Costs for Natural Treatments
In my case, my cancer diagnosis began with a stage IV diagnosis. My insurance covered my lung surgery, my CT scans, doctor visits, bloodwork, and immunotherapy (which we stopped). The Budwig Diet recommended in Chapter 2 can fit into your regular grocery budget. The Hoxsey Bio Medical Center will tell you your cost may be around $1,500 to $1,800 for treatment and herbal medicines (which amounts to $250 to $300 per month)—my Hoxsey Treatment Center expenses, including doctor visits and herbal medications, average around $160 monthly. Your costs may vary depending on prescribed herbal medicines. With the potential of curing your cancer, these affordable alternatives empower you to delay costly conventional treatments, proving that healing doesn’t have to come at an exorbitant price.
Patient Testimonials
Christine Phillips
Diagnosis: Malignant Melanoma and Papillary Thyroid
Cancer Chemotherapy: Refused
Testimonial used with permission.
"After a biopsy of a mole on my jaw came back as melanoma, I had surgery immediately. Then, a wider excision of the original melanoma and the two sentinel lymph nodes came back positive for thyroid cancer. I was given a clean bill of health as to the melanoma, then had a thyroidectomy and was given one dose of a radioactive iodine tablet, which my endocrinologist told me would easily eradicate the thyroid cancer.
Four months later, melanoma appeared above my collar bone, in my neck and armpit area, skull, chest wall, and thyroid lymph nodes.
I was referred to one of the top cancer research hospitals in the country, where I was told the only hope they could offer me was biochemotherapy, a treatment that would leave me hospitalized for two weeks out of every month, completely disabled for up to a year, and I was told that I may not even survive the treatment. If I did happen to survive, I was given a life expectancy of two to three years with multiple complications.
I arrived at the Bio Medical Center one week later. We saw Dr. Gutierrez for the first few visits and were so impressed with his kindness, knowledge, and expertise. He even found a lump in my armpit that two US doctors had missed. More spots appeared throughout the first year, but the doctors at Bio Medical Center were always on top of it, adjusting my treatment right away. Within three months, all of my labs and numbers were really good! I have felt great the entire time and been able to work full-time, with no side effects at all. I travel, hike, garden, and have an amazing quality of life! My PET scans and blood work have now come back totally clear for the last eighteen months, and no more cancer has been found."
Update from Christine in January 2024:
"I know 100 percent that I would not be alive today, and thriving, if I did not go to Biomedical Center and get on your program. As of 2024, I am still doing great and am cancer-free."
You can watch dozens of YouTube videos of patient testimonials who were successfully treated at the Bio Medical Center here:
Or search YouTube for “Bonita Wellness” and watch their many video testimonials.
1 Ty Bollinger, and Dr Irvin Sahni. “Does Chemotherapy Work? (Video).” The Truth About Cancer, June 24, 2019.
2 Permissions to quote The Truth About Cancer website obtained via email from Eric, Customer Service Representative, 11/3/23.
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